Booking Management

Bookings made simple!

Centralized Booking Hub

Consolidates all bookings in one place, with easy access and efficient management.


Instant Notifications

Stay informed with real-time updates on latest developments on bookings.


Effortless Documentation

Download detailed PDFs of your booking information and upload required documents.

What is Booking Management?

Users can easily track bookings with notifications and quick PDF downloads. The platform simplifies document upload and offers effortless monitoring of recent activities. A one-click export to Excel streamlines overall management.

How is it helpful for business?

It provides streamlined coordination, real-time notifications, efficient documentation through PDF downloads, and data-driven insights with one-click export to Excel. It enhances communication, and boosts overall operational efficiency.


The system is designed to streamline coordination, deliver real-time notifications, and provide efficient documentation features, all aimed at enhancing your overall experience. 

Unlock the Benefits of FreightMango

Instant Quotes

Don't wait days or weeks. Get quotes instantly and compare offers in real time to find the best rate for you.

Book Online

Sort out your shipping online with a few clicks.

Document Management

Manage your shipping documents online, 24/7. Communicate and collaborate with internal and external stakeholders all in one place.

Track and Trace

Track your shipments 24/7 and provide accurate estimated delivery times.

Stay Consistent

Keep your shipping consistent and meet your delivery commitments by managing everything in FreightMango.