Transit time- The time taken for cargo to leave a port or airport of loading and arrive at a port or airport of discharge.
Transit Time (TT) indicates the anticipated time traveling from one port to another. Traveling times are based on data collected, but they cannot be taken as facts. Unforeseen circumstances can lead to a deviation. The transit time may change when you don't reach the destination directly but rather through (a few) hubs.
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Miles / Range
100 miles
Miles / Range
100 miles
Shipment Total : 1 Box, 0.0000 CBM, 0.00 KG
Shipment Total : 1 Box, 0.0000 CBM,   0.00 KG
Shipment Total : 1 Box, VWT 0.0000 KG, 0.00 KG
Shipment Total : 1 Box, VWT 0.0000 KG,   0.00 KG
HS Codes
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