Logistics service providers provide services such as storage, shipping, and warehousing to other companies.

A third-party logistics provider, or 3PL, is synonymous with a fulfillment center or warehouse. The services provided by 3PL companies are similar to those provided by fulfillment companies. Examples include:

  • Warehousing
  • management of inventories
  • Receiving and shipping
  • Freight (FTL and LTL)
  • Picking and packaging
  • Customizing
  • Back-end logistics (returns)

Third-party logistics providers serve as eCommerce fulfillment companies. A third-party logistics company offers all the services you need to outsource your logistics operations.

Unlock the Benefits of FreightMango

Instant Quotes

Don't wait days or weeks. Get quotes instantly and compare offers in real time to find the best rate for you.

Book Online

Sort out your shipping online with a few clicks.

Document Management

Manage your shipping documents online, 24/7. Communicate and collaborate with internal and external stakeholders all in one place.

Track and Trace

Track your shipments 24/7 and provide accurate estimated delivery times.

Stay Consistent

Keep your shipping consistent and meet your delivery commitments by managing everything in FreightMango.

Sounds Good?

Start by searching a quote

From where to pick up?
From where to pick up?

Miles / Range

100 miles

To where to drop off?
To where to drop off?

Miles / Range

100 miles

How are you shipping?
How are you shipping?
  • Calculate by piece
  • Calculate by total

1 Unit,   0.00 CBM,   0.00 KG

Shipment Total : 1 Box,   0.0000 CBM,   0.00 KG

Shipment Total : 1 Box,   0.0000 CBM,   0.00 KG

How are you shipping?
  • Calculate by piece
  • Calculate by total

1 Unit,   0.00 CBM,   0.00 KG

Shipment Total : 1 Box,  VWT 0.0000 KG,   0.00 KG

Shipment Total : 1 Box,   VWT 0.0000 KG,   0.00 KG

How are you shipping?
How are you shipping?
When are you shipping?
What are you shipping?